Recently I purchased a mini trampoline – also known as a rebounder. My initial motivation for getting one was purely playful. I just wanted to jump on it occasionally, and feel like a kid! NOTE: While some say there are differences, for many of the online resources I found, the two terms are interchangeable.

Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through affiliate links (marked with asterisks) in this post.

I originally planned to put on my favorite music, and just jump to the beat of multiple songs. Well. Imagine my surprise to find that I could not even make it to the end of one 3 minute song. I was out of breath, and my legs felt like lead! This was in spite of the fact that I usually workout ~ 3 times a week. WOW! I decided to create a challenge for myself.

On YouTube I found numerous workout videos for mini trampolines/rebounders, including many for beginners. Based on my initial experience, I decided to start with those lasting 5 or 10 minutes maximum.

Rebounding Benefits

While exploring online, I discovered that in addition to being fun, rebounding provides many other benefits for the body including one of our favorite recent topics – immune system support:

Further, NASA published a study in the Journal of Applied Physiology regarding jumping on a trampoline and stated the following:

The results indicate that, for similar levels of HR and VO2, the magnitude of the biomechanical stimuli is greater with jumping on a trampoline than with running…

Journal of Applied Physiology Vol. 49, No. 5

One of the helpful videos I found for mini trampoline workouts and tips was this one: The Miracle Exercise – 14 Points of Rebounding. My favorite points in the video are:

  • Health Bounce – keep feet on the mat and allow your body weight to move you up & down
  • Support Bar – for those with concerns about balance or a sense of safety
  • Double Support Bar – good for seniors or those with physical or mental injuries or disabilities
  • Buddy Bouncing – for those who cannot stand on the mini trampoline
  • Lymph Patting – patting different areas of the body to aid lymphatic circulation
  • Shake – keep feet on the mat and shake your hands, arms, legs for a few seconds then stop and feel the buzzing/tingling in the hands. NOTE: This is similar to Shake the Tree in Qigong which you can also do without a mini trampoline!

BTW… the Health Bounce is my best friend! Sometimes I do only this in the morning for ~ 3-5 minutes. Occasionally I use it to warm up before a workout routine, and I frequently use it to cool down afterwards. Further, during a rebounding workout, it’s my go to move whenever I can’t continue (or do) a specific move. Each time I do a rebounding workout, I challenge myself to do more, and each time it gets easier! 😉

Related Post

Take a look at our related 30 Day Mini Tramp Challenge post! 😉


Get your own! This section provides links for you to get your own mini trampoline / rebounder depending on your circumstances. The one I got is actually no longer available, but I am listing other possibilities. If you do decide to purchase one, always get whatever bests fits your individual needs.

*40″ Mini Trampoline for Adult – similar to the one I had and includes an adjustable handrail
*Darchen Mini Trampoline for Adults – rebounder with bungee cords